Project Notebooks: Create tasks
Create tasks #
This article explains how to create and manage tasks in a project notebook.
Prerequisites: This task requires the user to have administrative access to the Project Notebook.
Instructions #
Step 1: Navigate to the All Project Notebooks area by clicking the menu item located under the Project Notebooks main menu item.
Step 2: Click a project notebook’s title to edit the notebook.
Step 3: Be sure the Task Management section has been turned on in the Choose the options for this project section.
Step 4: Click the + Add New button to create a new task.
Title – Provide a task name.
Task Description – Provide additional details about the task. Try to be as specific as possible.
Assign Users – Begin typing a name to present a list of users you can assign to this task. Assigned users will be the ones who receive task reminders.
Task Status – Keep track of what stage your task is in via the Task Status section.
Task Due Date – Set a date and time this task is due and send reminders to those assigned when it comes due.
Step 5: Be sure to Save your work by clicking the Publish/Update button.
Once saved, the task will appear in the Tasks section of the Project Notebook. You can edit, delete or duplicate a task from this section. You may also choose to display this section on the front-end of your website.
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